So, a day after returning from Germany, my dear Winfield jumped in the van with the girls and I for a little trip down to South Carolina. My mother and I had a special Wizard of Oz themed Birthday party planned for Elizabeth. She will be 4 yrs old on 2/25. So, Elizabeth dressed-up in her Dorothy dress and her ruby red slippers, and I braided her hair and tied blue ribbons in just like Dorothy. All the family was there. Elizabeth was especially excited to play with cousins Bryson and Emaline. Maw-Maw ordered a very special cake with the yellow brick road and all of the characters, which she was CRAZY over. She had to eat the Dorothy portion of the cake and Bryson was to eat Tin Man portion, which they did. For gifts she received all of the character dolls, namely Dorothy, Glenda the good witch, Lion, Scarecrow, and Tin Man. This is all that she wished for and she is one happy little girl. Maw-Maw and Paw-paw were very glad to host the shindig and so glad to have Elizabeth to have such a fun time at their home. Thanks, maw-maw!
Our visit was very short, however we we still managed to eat some of my mom's homemade BBQ and have a night out to eat and walking around with the family at Broadway at the Beach, which is one of our favorite places to go when we visit.