I just have to say that life with little ones in never boring. It is always changing. They outgrow their clothes, shoes, and even eating habits so, so fast! One day their eating pureed carrots, the next they are eating chicken nuggets! I get very sentimental when my kids hit big milestones. I usually get emotional and cry. For real, I do. Anna Belle recently outgrew her baby crib. I was a little sad, but more excited b/c Anna Belle was so excited about her new bed. Some sweet friends gave us this great bed (thank you!) that was perfect for her. So, Winfield painted it white and then sanded it down a little to give it a rustic/cottage look. It turned out so nice. The first few nights that she was sleeping in her new bed were sleepless b/c it is a big change for a little one. Now, I can tell that she is happy to have more space and loves her new quilt, sheets and pillow. She loves it so much and sleeps great. My little baby girl is growing up. I must accept it as hard as it is. Now, if she can just potty train!
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