On 5/30 our little Anna Belle officially turned 2! I guess now I will be helping her to potty train and also to say bye-bye to her beloved paci! Both of these tasks will be challenging! She is such a joyful little girl. We love her so, so very much.
We had a little Birthday party for her at the park in Nags Head. All of her little friends came to play which made Anna Belle so very happy. She LOVES to play outside! We all had lunch and cupcakes together and as a party favor, the kids all recieved a bug box for collecting "buggies" as Anna Belle would say, around the park. This was SO much fun. The kids found roley-poleys and worms and all sorts of crazy critters. I know, this is a little weird for a girl to have a "buggie" birthday party, but Anna Belle is my little outside girl. She thought it was great. Elizabeth, on the other hand, her 2nd birthday party was all about Cinderella and all of her princess friends! So funny the difference between the 2 girls. Anyway, thanks to all of our little friends who came. Enjoy the pics.